Simulation Notes Europe, Volume 24(2), August 2014

Perdurantist Modeling and Reasoning in Ontology-based Modeling

Simulation Notes Europe SNE 24(2), 2014, 95-104
DOI: 10.11128/


In this study, the perdurantist modeling approach in which entities have four dimensions (spatial and temporal) and only  briefly exist during the different stages of their lifespan is extended by a reasoning mechanism. The extension allows a modeler to manage behaviors depending on reasoning results and also provides well-designed support for time-delayed systems. Language support is provided  for this purpose, starting with an ontological commitment and covering design and coding phases, including conceptual model description.
This paper discusses how an agent-driven simulation language supports extending a perdurantist modeling to ontology-based modeling by high-level action descriptions, higher-order world envisionment, dynamic relation management and a knowledge base for reasoning purposed as the necessities of ontology based modeling.  One of the study’s main aims is to match the predicate logic ontological commitment with the ontological commitment presented here and bring them into a comment framework to handle behavioral management in simulation.