Simulation Notes Europe, Volume 31(1), March 2021

Model Generation for Multiple Simulators Using SES/MB and FMI

Simulation Notes Europe SNE 31(1), 2021, 25-32
DOI: 10.11128/


This paper deals with the extension of a Python-based infrastructure for studying the characteristics and behavior of families of systems. The infrastructure allows automatic execution of simulation experiments with varying system structures as well as with varying parameter sets in different simulators. Special focus is put on the support of different simulation environments by creating models implementing the Functional Mockup Interface (FMI). Possible system structures and parameterizations are de1ned using a System Entity Structure (SES). The SES as a high level approach for variability modeling, particularly in simulation engineering, describes a set of system con1gurations, i.e. different system structures and parameter settings of system components. In combination with a Model Base (MB), executable models can be generated from an SES. Based on the extended SES/MB approach, tool-supported variability modeling and automatic model generation and execution in different simulation environments using FMI is described. This is done by means of an engineering application.