Simulation Notes Europe, Volume 28(4), December 2018

Educational Use of the ARGESIM Benchmarks of Modelling Approaches and Simulation Implementations

Simulation Notes Europe SNE 28(4), 2018, 215-218
DOI: 10.11128/sne.28.bne.10453


This short note in SNE 28(4) sketches educational aspects of the ‘ARGESIM Benchmarks for Modelling Approaches and Simulation Implementations’ published since 1990 in SNE. Interestingly, it turned out, that along with the various benchmark publications in SNE, the benchmarks are used as examples, case studies, and lab work in simulation education in academia. Indeed, most of the benchmarks are a very useful basis for education in modelling and simulation. This contribution lists shortly the educational benefits of each benchmark – a detailed investigation of the educational aspects of the benchmarks, together with a description of classification and development of the benchmarks is scheduled for SNE 29(1), March 2019.