Simulation Notes Europe, Volume 21(1), April 2011

The <morespace> Project: Modelling and Simulation of Room Management and Schedule Planning at University by Combining DEVS and Agent-based Approaches

Simulation Notes Europe SNE 21(1), 2011, 11-20
DOI: 10.11128/


In this work an approach to integrating agent based modeling into a discrete event simulation system is developed and tested in the course of a project done at the Vienna University of Technology. Discrete Event Simulation can be efficient and fast but people’s behavior and movement is not easy to model. It would be convenient to develop a model, where both systems - discrete event and agent based - coexist. During the last years the feasibility of finding an equivalent discrete event model for any agent based model has already been discussed and formally proven in several publications. This implies that it should be possible to integrate any agent that is part of an agent based system into a discrete event system.  An application of this theory is introduced in this work, showing in detail how the agent based approach was integrated in the discrete event simulation environment Enterprise Dynamics. The <morespace> project supports and controls lecture room management and lecture schedule planning for many curriculas at Vienna University of Technology.