SNE 34(3), Special Issue "EUROSIM Congress 2023 Proceedings Volume", September 2024

DOI: 10.11128/sne.34.3.1069
ISSN 2306-0271


  • Backward-Oriented Decision and Planning Approaches in Production Scenarios:  
    A Systematic Literature Review and Potential Solution Approach 
  • Evaluating Logistical Concepts with Simulation: A Case Study of Increasing Freight Train Length at Ports
  • Truck Shuttle Simulation between Production Plant and Logistics Centre: Data Acquisition and Preparation
  • Simulation, a Tool to Improve the  Medical Equipment Production Line 
  • MCSimulRisk: an Educational Tool for Quantitative Risk Analysis
  • Technology-supported Teaching of Modeling and Simulation in Inverted Classroom Format
  • A New Simheuristics Procedure for Stochastic Combinatorial Optimization
  • Validation of Data-Driven Reliability Models in Manufacturing - Work in Progress
  • Combined Integration of Simulation and Machine Learning in a Design Methodology for Agile Production Networks
  • Simulation-based Learning in Aviation Management Studies using SIMIO Software
  • Exploring the Use of Urban Consolidation Centers for Efficient Last-Mile Delivery Using Agent Based Modelling and Simulation
  • On the Relationship between Model Complexity and Decision Support in Agent-based Modeling and Simulation

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